Why you should splash out on “that” perfume

 Up until very recently, I never spent too much money on fragrance. Sure, I got a Marc Jacobs every year at Christmas (along with a bag full of impulse… thanks gran) but when it comes to spending my own money on perfume… Meh. I will easily spend my wages on an unnecessarily expensive primer or the new Urban Decay Palette, but I seriously grudge paying nearly £100 for a scent- I just don’t buy into it.

That was until my impulsive head lead me to buying a Jo Malone fragrance. I know.  I don’t half ass anything. I kept telling myself- if I’m spending my own money on this perfume I may aswell spend it all. I wandered into Frasers with my bff and 3 hours & £85 later waltzed back out with Peony and blush suede. And I’m so glad I did.

I have been drenching myself in this perfume ever since I untied the stunning black ribbon. My wrist has been permanently glued to my nose all day. Besides the fact it is nostril heaven, a perfect balance between floral and musk, it makes me feel good. Like I am this mature, confident lady who totally has her shit together, when I am infact a 17 year old girl with her wrist to her nose.

What I’m saying is, don’t just walk through House of Frasers, longingly smelling the perfume… Just buy it. We all have that one perfume we look at doe-eyed hoping it finds its way home to us. You know the one I mean.

In my newfound expert opinion, fragrance is an investment:

  1. It lasts forever, even if you wear it liberally (read: drown yourself in it).
  2. If you wear it on a special day like prom or your wedding, the scent will always remind you of amazing times… Even if you are doing a 12 hour shift in retail.
  3. Most importantly- you feel amazing when wearing it.

So, whether it be Jo Malone, YSL, or Dior- get that high end fragrance and don’t regret a single penny.

P.S- do check out my insta @themidnightface and I now have a BlogLovin’ ! The link takes you to my page to check it out. 

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Hope you enjoyed the read. x

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